Updated 12/6/2019

There are a number of features that make hand dryers more hygienic that you need to look out for.

  • Sensor operated – allows touch free hand drying which eliminates a cross contamination point
  • Ambient air temperature – fast hand dryers that rely on air force as opposed to high air temperatures reduce the amount of bacteria that can form in the air.
  • HEPA filters – positioned to filter the air as it passes through the hand dryer and therefore eliminate air born bacteria.
  • Anti-bacterial coated surfaces to prevent cross-contamination
  • UV-C protected airflow see the Turboforce Junior PLUS hand dryer

Our hygienic hand dryers includes the Dyson Airblade, The Turboforce Junior PLUS hand dryer, the Mitsubishi Electric hand dryers all of which tick at least 4 of the 5 boxes listed above.

To find out more about hygienic hand dryers, contact us